Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pascoag Utility District: The project should be reexamined

July 3, 2024

President Donald A. Fox

Town Manager Michael C. Wood

DPW Director Jeffrey McCormick

Town of Burrillville

105 Harrisville Main St.

Harrisville, RI 02830

Re: Turf Project at Burrillville High School

Dear Gentlemen:

During the Pascoag Utility District's ("PUD") June Board meeting, a concerned citizen notified the Board that there may be a potential threat of Per- and polyfluoroakyl substances (PFAS) contained in the material of the synthetic turf that is scheduled to be used for the football field project at the Burrillville High School. As you know, PUD water consumers have already suffered through Rhode Island's worst Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) release in history, back in 2001, which single handedly eliminated our only drinking water source for the residents of Pascoag.

The Town of Burrillville has always been proactive regarding important issues concerning the Town. In fact, on page 32 and listed as number three in the Town's Burrillville Hazard Mitigation Plan dated July 2021, aquifer contamination was added. If you refer to page 33 of that plan and the 2014 risk assessment, aquifer contamination was not even a concern at the time. This topic was brought to light, after I mentioned what had happened to our only water source in the Pascoag and Oakland Villages. Both Villages' wells were contaminated and taken out of service. The Pascoag wells that are located at 44 Silver Lake Avenue are contaminated with MTBE and the Oakland Association well located at 1264 Victory Highway, were contaminated with PFAS. Both well sites remain closed. Thankfully, our neighbors from Harrisville were able to provide both Villages with potable water so our customers' water service was not interrupted.

l am happy to report that the merger between the Pascoag Utility District and Harrisville Fire District Water Department passed both the House and Senate and was signed by the Governor on June 17, 2024, creating Clear River Electric and Water District effective January 1, 2025. Harrisville Water District is currently the sole water source provider for three Villages within the Town of Burrillville.

Based on our experience, we have some concerns regarding the possibility of trace amounts of PFAS chemicals found in the turf field product. To protect our customers, we are respectfully requesting that the Town review all precautions prior to installing the synthetic turf at the high school.

Since three Villages within the Town are relying on Harrisville as Its sole water supplier, it is Imperative that the Town and local water utilities work together to protect our aquifer for current and future generations. If there is even a chance that any contaminant could infiltrate the water supply, the project should be reexamined.

Very truly yours;

William J. Guertin

General Manager

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