Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Burrillville School Committee will discuss banning the use of the new artificial turf

Burrillville Town Council

105 Harrisville Main Street

Harrisville, RI. 02830

July 10, 2024

Good Evening,

Regarding the new athletic field in construction at the Burrillville High School, the Burrillville School Committee has major concerns. Our concerns are with the "forever chemicals", particularly polyfluoroalkyl substances (PAS) in the artificial turf soon to be installed within the next 2 to 3 weeks!

These are our concerns:

• The immediate danger is to the health of athletes and kids who will use this field. These children, as they play on this field will inhale these microplastics, wear them on their equipment and clothing and carry them into their homes to expose the rest of their families.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these PAS have affected children's development and contributed to learning and behavior disorders. They have been connected to some cancers, lower immune function, thyroid problems, reproductive issues, and liver disease.

Knowing all this information, the Burrillville School Committee will discuss banning the use of the new artificial turf, and considering the urgency of this matter, legal council will be contacted. It is up to us to protect our children and that means not allowing them to play on this field.

• The longer term danger is that these poisonous chemicals will be installed over our last remaining clean water source for our town! As you know, our town has experienced permanent drinking water contamination in the western and eastern parts of our town. As water leaches off this artificial turf carpet, it will permanently contaminate the aquifer under it. Where will we get our water then? This contamination will also affect the rivers wetlands and waterways, especially those directly below this field. Protecting our water is a huge concern! The Town Council has already received letters that express serious concerns over the installation of the PFAS loaded artificial turf, in particular the Pascoag Utility District, which will soon be responsible for all of the municipal drinking water in Burrillville. they have a major stake in keeping our water safe!

• As of January 1, 2029, the State of Rhode Island will effectively ban the use, sale of, or distribution of artificial turf containing intentionally added PFAS. When these PFAS are banned, it will be illegal to replace the field. This means the Town's warranty is null and void. As of now, there is no alternate product to use that does not contain PFAS. How can we dispose of the used turf so as not to contaminate the environment? Will we have a guarantee from the company supplying the turf that in the future, the replacement turf is PFAS free? Clearly the trend is to move away from their use in any case, so our focus is on the injuries that are clearly associated with artificial turf and the impact related to the budget.

• The School. Committee needs a copy of the contract regarding the artificial turf. Does the Town's contract with the company include a warranty?

• What would a shift to a grass-covered field include, regarding materials and price? Was the loam that was removed part of the bargained agreement? We will need to reacquire it. Spend the money to complete a new field properly that is durable and safe. Do not use a rushed, cheap y option, full of buyers remorse!

Please give our concerns your utmost attention.

We look forward to discussing this matter with you in the very near future.

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