Monday, August 12, 2024

Blackstone River Watershed Council


Friends of the Blackstone 

Town of Burrillville Town Council 
105 Main Street 
Harrisville, RI 02830 
C/O Donald Fox, President of Burrillville Town Council 

August 12, 2024 

Dear Members of the Burrillville Town Council, 

I am writing on behalf of our organization in opposition to the "Artificial Turf Project" for the Burrillville High School Sports Field. We feel the need to express our disapproval as an organization based on artificial turf's negative impacts on the watershed and as a concerned party. As you are aware, the proximity to the Clear River is a tributary to the Branch, which further travels into the Blackstone River and its watershed. The location of the proposed project has a primary runoff location, which is the same as the former and proposed field, the Clear River. The high concentration of PFAS and other chemicals used in the production of Artificial Turf is not just detrimental to the river health, but also the possibility of polluting the public water sources, as well through inhalation for the youth and adults who may be using the space where this will be located. 

I highly recommend you look at the University Of Rhode Island Superfund Research Program called STEEP - Source, Transport, Exposure & Effects of PFAS's. This may help you and the constituents of the Town understand the dangers and the position of thinking of their children and future generations from the dangers that this consideration may have on their future. 

With Regards and in opposition. 

John Marsland 

CC: Editor Woonsocket Call, Editor Valley Breeze Burrillville Edition 

PO Box 8068, Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864 | Phone: 401.644.3215 | WWW.BLACKSTONERIVER.ORG 

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