Wednesday, September 18, 2024

NRINow: The other side: Experts discuss research on turf fields at ‘Protect Burrillville’ meeting


The other side: Experts discuss research on turf fields at ‘Protect Burrillville’ meeting

BURRILLVILLE – An effort by a group of Burrillville residents to raise awareness about the dangers of synthetic turf fields continued this week at a meeting where scientists and other experts presented their research to a group of more than 40 guests, along with virtual attendees.

The meeting was organized, at least in part, in response to a Burrillville Town Council meeting held on Thursday, Sept. 5, where town officials presented the results of testing and data used in the decision to move forward with a current project that includes installation of an artificial field at Burrillville High School.

“This is the meeting that we asked for,” said Adam Schatz, one of the organizers of the event held on Tuesday, Sept. 17. “This is what we wanted – an opportunity to share information, to have a discussion and open dialog.”

A town-run page dedicated to information on the project has focused on testing results that showed only trace levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances – or PFAS – in turf field materials, as well as reports from experts hired by the town.

Noting that opinions expressing concern with the project, including a joint letter from the Rhode Island Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Management and a recent communication from the Conservation Law Foundation, have not been published by the town, opponents have launched the Protect Burrillville website to share resources.

Schatz noted that the six speakers who participated on Tuesday were not paid for their time.

“They are getting nothing out of this other than sharing information,” Schatz said. “You don’t find transparency in consultants that are paid to go from town to town to sell this product.”

Proponents of the town’s artificial turf project have pointed to the ubiquitous nature of PFAS, which are also found in many common household products. The town’s presentation earlier this month pointed to what officials deemed to be greater local risks to health and the environment, noting the the amount of PFAS in the entire field is the equivalent weight of one drop of water

Tuesday’s forum participants, however, pointed to the complexity of the problem, stating that PFAS – the primary focus of the Burrillville project to date – are just one part of the problem.

“What you’re going to hear this evening is a lot of different issues and concerns – environmental and health issues,” said Tracy Stewart, an advocate against synthetic turf from Medway, Mass., who served as the event moderator. “PFAS is one of the number one issues. But it’s also the injuries. It’s the the environmental impact. Tire crumb is still a major concern and issue on these fields.”

Presenters discussed research on a vast variety of chemicals present in layers of the turf, noting that, “PFAS,” refers to a class of some 15,000 – only six of which are regulated in Rhode Island. The fields, they noted, shed micro plastics, and chemicals wash off the surface over time, causing environmental hazards.

“Half of the chemicals, we actually don’t know what they do when we’re exposed to them, and we do not know how to test for them in the body,” said Sarah Evans, an environmental health scientist at Mount Sinai.

“From an environmental perspective, there is many more things besides PFAS,” said Susan Chapnick, president and principal scientist of NEH, Inc., pointing to the cumulative affects of other toxic chemicals such as zinc and 6PPD-quinone, and noting that testing ordered by the town of Burrillville didn’t analyze infill.

Evans discussed studies on the effects of exposure to turf on children.

“We’re very concerned about children’s exposure to heat on artificial turf,” she said, noting that the surface reaches more than 100 degrees on 80 degree day, with spikes of up to 150 degrees. The fields, she said, get hot enough to cause heat illness, second degree burns and skin blistering.

Evans noted that in December of 2023 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said that, “PFAS poses a significant risks to human health, including cancer, even at very low levels.”

“They have declared this class of chemicals to be an urgent public health threat,” Evans said.

Chapnick, who also serves as acting as the quality assurance officer at several USEPA Superfund sites, discussed effects of the fields on the environment.

“Chemical hazards escape from artificial turf fields because many of the components are soluble in water,” said Chapnick.

Chapnick noted that PFAS are found in the grass blades, infills and backing of the fields.

“They shed plastic blades as well as the tire crumb rubber,” she said, noting that the fields are not recyclable, and contribute to pollution, climate change and loss of habitat.

“There is a practical alternative, which is an organic or sustainably managed natural grass field,” Chapnik said.

Research Director for the Ecology Center Jeff Gearhart discussed results of a recent study of the effects of hazardous chemicals on the endocrine system, and noted that individual chemicals can be hard to study and access.

“There’s some complex chemistry going on here,” said Gearhart. “It’s a lot to take in even for those of us who have been studying this for awhile. A lot of our science work is trying to nail down what’s going on. It’s very challenging science.”

Gearhart noted that his Michigan community was impacted by a plating company that contaminated area fisheries. He noted that his wife was a college soccer player, and that his own biomonitoring results showed PFAS levels above the 50th percentile, putting him at greater health risk.

“It’s not a turf that’s favorable for players,” he said.

This is a very real issue for me,” Gearhart said. “This issue is kind of very personal for us.”

“The tire industry and the turf industry have marketed these products as being safe,” he said. “What we’ve had is an uncontrolled experiment happening on our ecosystems and on our health as a result.”

Additional speakers at the two hour plus meeting included Zhenyu Tian, an assistant professor in environmental chemistry at Northeastern University; Rachel Massey, a senior science and policy advisor for the Collaborative for Health and Environment; and Diana Carpinone, co-executive director of Non Toxic Communities and founder of Non Toxic Dover NH.

Schatz noted that the Burrillville group has filed a lawsuit against the town that aims to stop installation of the turf and said that those who wish to help can donate funds for the legal battle through the Burrillville Land Trust, and can also sign an ongoing petition.

Resident Norman Desjarlais has published video of the full forum, which can be found here.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Conservation Law Foundation Comments on Burrillville Artificial Turf Project


Submitted via Electronic Mail to:

September 3, 2024
Burrillville Town Council
105 Harrisville Main Street
Harrisville, Rhode Island 02830

Re: Comments on Proposed Artificial Turf Field at Burrillville High School

To the members of the Burrillville Town Council:

Conservation Law Foundation (“CLF”) appreciates the opportunity to submit the following
comments regarding the proposed artificial turf field at Burrillville High School (“BHS”).
Founded in 1966, CLF is a nonprofit, member-supported, regional environmental organization
working to conserve natural resources, protect public health, and promote thriving communities
for all in the New England region. CLF protects New England’s environment for the benefit of
all people. We use the law, science, and markets to create solutions that preserve our natural
resources, build healthy communities, and sustain a vibrant economy. CLF has been a leading
advocate for clean, safe drinking water in Rhode Island and throughout New England and is
engaged in numerous efforts to address the threat of emerging contaminants, including PFAS,
throughout New England.

On April 12, 2023, the Burrillville Town Council adopted a Capital Improvement Plan (“CIP”)
that includes an artificial turf field at BHS (“Artificial Turf Project”). On December 4, 2023, the
Town of Burrillville (“Town”) entered into a 14-page (including schedules) Sales Agreement
(“Sales Agreement”) with FieldTurf USA, Inc. (“FieldTurf”) for FieldTurf to sell to the Town
and install at BHS an artificial in-filled playing surface identified as FieldTurfFTVTP-1, 2.5
inches thick outdoor all green artificial grass in-filled playing surface measuring approximately
88,000 square feet (“Artificial Turf Field”). According to the Sales Agreement, the purchase
price of the “fully installed” Artificial Turf Field is $3,167,235.00. According to Schedule B of
the Sales Agreement, the infill of FieldTurfFTVTP-1 includes 3.0 pounds of cryogenic rubber
per square foot. In the time since the adoption of CIP, a number of Burrillville residents have
expressed concerns about the project, including risks posed by the chemicals contained in the
Artificial Turf Field.

Over the last two months, CLF has reviewed materials posted on-line by the Town about the
Artificial Turf Project, the correspondence from the Rhode Island Department of Health and the
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management to the Town of Burrillville, comment
letters from other advocacy organizations, and various news stories reporting on the Artificial
Turf Project. Most of the discussion and data has been focused on PFAS chemicals contained in
FieldTurfFTVTP-1 and their potential to contaminate the surrounding environment and local
water supply. Testimony from Elizabeth Denly, Vice President, PFAS Leader & Chemistry
Director for TRC (the environmental consultant hired by the Town of Burrillville), is primarily
focused on issues related to PFAS. In her testimony, Ms. Denly notes that “there were no
statements made about the environmental benefits of this product”. 1 In fact, Ms. Denly doesn’t
make any statements about any other environmental issues related to the product in her
testimony. CLF will address the issue of PFAS as well as the other health and environmental
issues related to this product in this comment letter.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
PFAS are a dangerous and ubiquitous class of chemicals that includes thousands of related
compounds. PFAS have been described as a public health “perfect storm.” They are a class of
chemicals that are extremely persistent in the environment and in our bloodstreams, highly
mobile in water, and toxic in tiny amounts. They are also pervasive. First developed in the 1950s,
today PFAS can be found in everyday products including nonstick cookware, water-repellent
clothing, stain-resistant fabrics and carpets, firefighting foam, food packaging, and artificial turf.

PFAS are toxic to humans in very small concentrations and pose a wide range of health threats.
They are suspected of causing cancer and have been linked to growth, learning, and behavioral
problems in infants and children. They can also cause problems with fertility and pregnancy;
compromise immune systems; and interfere with natural hormones and with liver, thyroid, and
pancreatic function. Developing fetuses and newborn babies are particularly vulnerable to PFAS.

In its master list of PFAS substances, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) states
that: “PFAS represent a growing, increasingly diverse inventory of chemicals of interest to the
general public, scientific researchers, and regulatory agencies world-wide” noting that “[t]his
PFAS Master List will continue to expand as component lists grow. 2 In fact, the list of PFAS
compounds has grown so much that the EPA retired the PFAS Master List and replaced it with
two separate lists. 3 Together, these two lists now include 16,650 separate chemicals. It wasn’t
until April 10, 2024, that EPA finally set Maximum Contaminant Levels (“MCL”) for six PFAS
compounds. The EPA also set Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (“MCLG”) for these six
PFAS compounds. MCLG is defined as “[t]he level of a contaminant in drinking water below
which there is no known or expected risk to health and allows for an adequate margin of safety.” 4

Two of these six [PFOA and PFOS] have a MCLG of zero. 5 However, the MCL for PFOA and
PFOS is set at 4.0 ppt. Since the EPA treats the MCL as the “enforceable standard,” this is the
standard FieldTurf bases its scientific analysis on. Because PFOA and PFOS are only two of the
best known of thousands of PFAS compounds, it is deceptively simple for a company such as
FieldTurf to claim that its products are technically “PFOA and PFOS Free” without addressing
the broader class of compounds. Moreover, since less than 1% of PFAS are typically analyzed,
never mind regulated, FieldTurf can and does make the argument that based on available data, its
product is PFAS “safe.”

The real question is - what is an acceptable level? Some states, including Rhode Island, have
now enacted outright bans on PFAS in many products. Of course, the devil is in the details. 6
Importantly, “many experts argue for approaching PFAS as a class of chemicals — as in
assuming that less studied members of the chemical family may have health and environmental
impacts akin to those that have been better researched and making decisions around their use
accordingly.” 7 The cumulative effects of all PFAS substances in a product should guide our
assessment of the product’s dangers.

A review of toxic tort litigation in the United States reveals a sinister patten. From asbestos and
lead tainted paint to DDT and PCB – “too good to be true” chemicals and substances have been
introduced to American consumers over the years and have made some companies and
individuals extremely wealthy. Years after these chemicals and substances have been widely
adopted and become common place, disturbing reports of terrible health problems associated
with the use of these chemicals and substances begin to emerge. At first, these reports are easily
refuted (and financial liability deflected) by “experts” pointing out inconsistencies in testing
methods, faulty data, compromised samples, inability to link an adverse health impact to a
particular product, etc. Eventually, the rapid growth in the number of reports and amount of
validated scientific research providing clear causal links prove overwhelming to the legal
barricades that were constructed and the floodgates holding back financial liability come
crashing down. Of course, any financial recovery obtained does very little to repair the damage
done and does nothing to restore the lives lost. Sadly, the claims about these products weren’t
true and the end results from their use weren’t good.

The rise and ubiquitous use of PFAS fits this patten all too well. The Town of Burrillville has
received the latest reports about the numerous health problems associated with PFAS and knows
about the gaping void in research and understanding that needs to be filled 8 . Furthermore, some
Burrillville residents have already been exposed to PFAS contamination. 9 The residents of Burrillville should have the final say about how this story ends.

Cryogenic Rubber (“Crumb Rubber”)
How Much Crumb Rubber and What’s It Made Of? “A typical football field utilizes crumb
rubber infill from as many as 40,000 recycled tires (100-120 tons). Tires are made from some
very toxic chemicals, including the known carcinogens arsenic, benzene, carbon black (which
makes up to 40% of a tire), 1,3 butadiene, TCE, and cadmium, as well as neurotoxins, lead and
mercury. Crumb rubber dust and small pieces are easily inhaled or swallowed as they become
disturbed during gameplay.” 10

Increased Injuries? “Statistics show that injuries are more common on synthetic turf surfaces,
especially those that are not constantly maintained for resiliency. The G-max rating - the ability
to absorb impact - changes as the materials are compacted, often leaving an unsafe, harder
surface that makes injuries more likely and more severe. Common injuries include joint trauma
(especially ankles and knees), concussions, “turf toe,” and unusually large skin abrasions which
are more prone to infection. These are some of the reasons that the majority of professional
athletes prefer natural grass.” 11

Heat Island? “Studies from Brigham Young University showed that synthetic turf averaged 37
degrees hotter than asphalt and 86.5 degrees hotter that natural grass. On a hot sunny day,
synthetic fields can reach a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Dehydration, heat stroke and other
serious heat-related illnesses and second degree burns occurring on the soles of the feet of
athletes have spurred turf manufacturers to sell water cannons for cooling the fields, even though
the water only reduces the temperature for about 20 minutes, at which time the process has to be
repeated. Heat also increases the outgassing of volatile chemicals, which makes them more
problematic as an inhalation exposure.” 12

Health Effects on Young Children? “Young children are especially vulnerable to toxic exposures
from synthetic turf due to their play habits close to the ground and typical hand-to-mouth
behaviors. Due to their small size, they receive proportionally greater doses of chemical
contaminants than adults and their immature organs and developing bodies make it more
challenging for them to detoxify or eliminate certain toxins. Toxic substances in the crumb
rubber can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or accidentally ingested.” 13

Antidotal Reports of High Incidences of Cancer? “[T]here are a growing number of reports of
higher than usual cases of lymphoma and leukemia among athletes playing on synthetic turf,
especially soccer goalies, who regularly dive onto the turf, releasing dust and infill particles. To
date, no studies have been conducted to confirm a link, but common sense tells us that chemicals
in tires that are linked to cancer should be avoided.” 14 In this regard, “the evidence collected to-
date indicates a basis for concern and an urgent need for closer scrutiny. Most notable is that the
ratio of lymphomas and leukemia is the reverse of that expected in the general population for that
age group. Such a reverse in the pattern of cancers present is considered a signal that an active
chemical carcinogen is present. Given the high stakes, it is prudent to take action to protect
children from this known hazard rather than wait for definitive evidence of harm.” 15

Artificial Turf’s Plastic Problem

“The term “turf” is misleading. This material has no relationship to actual turf or grass. It is
basically a scrap chemical product.” 16

“Several parts of an artificial turf system generate plastic pollution as the product degrades over
time. Rubber or plastic particles migrate off the artificial turf area and into surrounding areas;
parents and residents living near artificial turf fields have collected photographic evidence of
waste tire particles dispersed in wetlands and filling storm drains. As plastics continue to break
down in the environment, they can contribute to microplastic pollution.

Microplastics are a source of growing concern in the scientific community, with evidence of
their presence in babies’ feces and even in breastmilk. A recent review of the scientific literature
by the California State Policy Evidence Consortium concluded ‘microplastics are suspected to
promote deleterious human health effects in the reproductive and digestive systems,’ among
other human health concerns.

Plastic grass blades pollute water resources and gradually break down into increasingly small
pieces. A recent study examined the sources of plastic debris found in sea water off the coast of
Barcelona. Artificial grass fibers ‘accounted for 15 percent of plastic pieces larger than 5
millimetres in the samples from within 1 kilometre of the shore,’ according to a summary of the
study in New Scientist. ‘The authors identify artificial turf as “a major source of plastic pollution
in the aquatic environment.’” 17

Artificial turf fields generally last for about a decade. After this point the turf – tens of thousands
of pounds of material per field – must to be disposed of and replaced. Artificial turf cannot be
recycled therefore it must be disposed of in a landfill.


Based upon the research conducted and the findings presented in this comment letter, CLF
believes that there are a number of serious potential health and environmental harms associated
with the Artificial Turf Project.

CLF understands that Burrillville has already spent, and may be liable for, a considerable amount
of money that will not be recoverable. However, throwing good money after bad is never a
sound fiscal decision.

CLF respectfully recommends that the residents of Burrillville require Burrillville to change
course and invest in an organically managed natural grass field at BHS. 18


Richard Stang
Senior Attorney
Conservation Law Foundation

CC: Councilperson Donald A. Fox
Councilperson Stephen N. Rawson
Councilperson Dennis M. Anderson
Councilperson Jeremy P. Bailey
Councilperson Justin Batalon
Councilperson David Houle
Councilperson Raymond J. Trinque
Darrèll Brown, CLF, Vice President, Rhode Island

Friday, August 30, 2024

Template Letter to Send to the Town Council in Opposition of the Artificial Turf Field


If you oppose the turf field project and want to voice your opposition to the town council and school committee, here is a template letter that can be sent to the town clerks.

Town Council Clerk:

School Committee Clerk:

Dear Town Council Members,


I would like to begin this letter by acknowledging and thanking you for your dedication and involvement in the town of Burrillville. None of you would be in the seats you are in if you did not care deeply about the town, its wellbeing, and our community. The hours you spend on community events, town council meetings, social outreach programs, special meetings, budget reviews, and planning are a testament to your unwavering commitment and belief that Burrillville is truly a special place that we should all be proud to live in.

As a member of that community, I would be remiss if I did not express my concern about the installation of an artificial turf field at the high school. As a resident who values the health and well-being of our citizens and the environment, I feel compelled to voice my worries about the potential risks associated with this project. PFAS have been linked to a variety of adverse health effects, including cancer, liver damage, decreased fertility, and increased risk of asthma and thyroid disease. These substances are known for their persistence in the environment and their ability to accumulate in living organisms. The installation of an artificial turf field, which has been proven to contain these chemicals, presents a significant threat to our local water, especially considering its placement is located directly above the aquifer which is the source of our last safe water supply. Contamination of this vital resource would have far-reaching consequences, impacting the health of our residents which Burrillville unfortunately knows all too well.

The long-term environmental impacts of PFAS contamination are well-documented. Once these chemicals enter the groundwater, they are extremely difficult and costly to remove. Considering the potential health and financial burdens, it is imperative that we take a precautionary approach and avoid introducing PFAS into our environment in the first place.

Since the original plans for the field were discussed many years ago, there has been much more research into PFAS and their impact on the environment and our bodies. RI S2152, better known as the Comprehensive PFAS Ban Act of 2024, which was passed into law on June 26, 2024 and prohibits the intentional addition of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in products including artificial turf, represents only the most recent legislation. As more studies are performed, we may find that the state-of-the-art turf field we were so eager to install will become state’s evidence in upcoming class-action lawsuits. Companies like FieldTurf will inevitably file for bankruptcy leaving the town to shoulder the financial burden of cleanup and remediation.

I urge the Town Council to reconsider the installation of the artificial turf field and instead explore safer alternatives that do not pose a threat to our water supply and public health. Natural grass fields would provide a safe and sustainable solution for our community's recreational needs.

I am confident that the Town Council shares my commitment to protecting the health and well-being of our residents and preserving the natural resources that sustain our community. I respectfully request that you prioritize these values in your decision-making process and take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of our water supply and our citizens.


I would like this letter to be included in the public record at the special meeting. My address is [YOUR ADDRESS]




Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Burrillville Land Trust is in opposition to Artificial Turf Carpet in Burrillville


Don Fox, Chair
Town of Burrillville
105 Main Street
Harrisville, Rhode Island 02830

The Burrillville Land Trust is in opposition to the purchase and use of Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Artificial Turf Carpet in Burrillville

This letter is coming from
Paul A. Roselli
665 Maureen Circle
Mapleville, Rhode Island 02839
In my capacity representing the Burrillville Land Trust

Dear Chairman Fox,
Members of the Board of the Burrillville Land Trust, a private, all volunteer land trust, is writing to
you and the members of the Burrillville Town Council to express our opposition to the purchase,
use of, or inclusion of Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the construction, production
or use of, in laying down artificial turf carpet or components used in the production in and
procurement of artificial turf carpet, anywhere in the Town of Burrillville and to abide by Rhode
Island House Bill 7356 signed intro law on June 26, 2024

The mission of the Burrillville Land Trust is to preserve the rural character of the Town of
Burrillville through education, advocacy and acquisition.

The contents of this letter is in line with the mission of the Burrillville Land Trust.

PFAS, as you may know, are a category of chemicals that contain multiple fluorine atoms bonded
to a chain of carbon atoms. These long carbon-chain molecules are persistent breaking down
over hundreds or thousands of years. Some say that the molecule never breaks down. Industry
has been using these manufactured chemicals since the 1940s: including to waterproof wet
weather gear; make non-stick cookware non-stick; in stain-resistant fabrics and carpets;
firefighting foams; products that are manufactured to be grease-, water- or oil-resistant; fast-food
packaging... the list goes on. Thousands of such chemicals exist. A study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) identified over 4,700 PFAS-related Chemical
Abstract Service (CAS) numbers. PFAS chemicals also pose concerns, including persistence,
bioaccumulation, drinking water contamination and adverse health effects.

In the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Safety Data Sheet dated May 16,
2023 Per and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are listed as the following: 2
  • Highly flammable liquid and vapor
  • Toxic if swallowed, in contact with skin or if inhaled
  • May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways
  • Suspected of causing cancer
  • Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child
  • Causes damage to eyes, kidney, liver, heart, central nervous system
  • May cause damage to organs (liver, immune system) through prolonged or repeated exposure
Given the severity of these substances as listed in everyday SDSs, its incumbent that the Town
take action to limit and eliminate all known harmful substances from the Town’s procurement list.
Millions of companies, federal, state and municipal governments, and more abide by SDS as
guidance to reduce risk and harm, and to reduce their insurance costs. PFAS and the artificial 3
turf is one such known harmful substance that should never be purchased or used by the Town
Council for the citizens of the Town of Burrillville.4

We ask that the Town of Burrillville Town Council reject the use of and procurement of any and all
Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in artificial turf carpet. And we ask the Town Council
to adhere to the State of Rhode Island legislation enacted on June 26, 2024, the Consumer PFAS
Ban Act of 2024 (Senate Bill S2152), as this legislation imposes a sweeping prohibition on the
use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in products available for sale or
produced within the state.


Paul A. Roselli
President, Burrillville Land Trust

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Agencies weigh in on Burrillville field, link water concerns to turf



BURRILLVILLE – As the new turf field under construction at Burrillville High School nears completion over a local aquifer, Rhode Island Department of Health and Department of Environmental Management representatives are offering concerns “about the potential for PFAS from the turf field to contaminate groundwater in the area.”

The Aug. 15 letter notes that PFAS, a kind of forever chemical linked to some cancers and various other health issues, is found in turf fields, even those claiming to be “PFAS-free.” The trace amounts are not significant enough to cause any harm to those that come into contact with the turf while playing on it, they note, but there are wider concerns.

“The scientific literature has yet to produce a study conclusively linking artificial turf fields with PFAS contamination in groundwater,” the letter reads. “However, sampling data collected by both RIDOH and RIDEM at North Smithfield Junior-Senior High School suggest that the artificial turf field (first constructed in 2007 and upgraded/replaced in 2021) may be partly or wholly contributing to the contamination of nearby private and public drinking water supply wells.”

These concerns echo those of a coalition of conservationists who have protested construction of Burrillville’s turf field for months.

“All of Burrillville municipal water is dependent on the Harrisville Water District, and that’s where that aquifer is,” said Roberta Lacey, one of the leaders in the anti-turf camp. “To you say that we’re a little fearful is an understatement.”

Together with Adam Schatz, Lacey started a petition to protest development of the field. The petition now has close to 1,000 signatures and has gained the support of several School Committee members.

The Town Council approved construction on the field in 2022, partnering with FieldTurf on installation. As part of the process, FieldTurf looped in TRC Companies to evaluate the safety of the field materials. TRC found that such fields do present trace levels of PFAS as a result of the manufacturing process that “does not represent a human health risk” and “does not pose a risk to the environment, the groundwater, the surface water, and the aquifer.”

One criticism highlighted by resident Schatz at an Aug. 13 school board meeting called out the fact that FieldTurf referred to the representative from TRC as the company’s “resident expert,” one who has conducted similar evaluations for comparable projects in four other communities.

The City Council of Portsmouth, New Hampshire voted in 2020 to approve a similar synthetic turf project only if it were “PFAS-free.” FieldTurf won the bid and wrote a letter saying, ”Our supplier has confirmed that their products are free of PFAS, PFOS, and fluorine.”

One independent sample of the turf submitted for testing by a local conservation activist found high levels of organic fluorine, and additional testing found 135 parts per trillion (ppt) of PFOS, far above the EPA’s new maximum containment level for drinking water established in April, which is 4 ppt.

“Earlier this year, the EPA changed the designation of PFAS from an organic fluorinated chemical to a hazardous substance,” Lacey said. “To me, that means zero is acceptable. Zero. Not ‘lower than the guidelines that the EPA is putting out for drinking water right now.’”

For the Burillville project, further testing is being done on the materials used for the crumb rubber inlay that goes above the ground and below the turf fibers, and the results are expected back in the coming weeks. For this and previous testing, TRC has continued to use Eurofins TestAmerica, a lab in Lancaster, Pa.

Council President Donald Fox, who’s been involved with the project since its inception in 2015, told The Breeze that the amount of PFAS associated with the field should be miniscule. So far, testing has confirmed that. He added that the durability of a turf field is more cost-effective and, potentially, environmentally friendly in the long run.

“If you try to play the amount of hours that we intend to put on that field on a natural grass field, it would break down,” he said. The impending turf field would be used for soccer, lacrosse, football, field hockey, the local youth lacrosse league, and potentially many more. Fox also pointed out the condition of the Alumni Field where the football team plays.

“They only play four to five games per year,” he said. “That field gets covered in pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. It gets watered throughout the spring, summer, and fall months. That’s tens of thousands of gallons of water or more. That field is more of an environmental travesty.”

A public meeting to discuss the turf field is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 5, at Burrillville High School, 425 East Ave.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

State Officials Warn Burrillville About Installing Turf Field Following PFAS Contamination in North Smithfield

State Officials Warn Burrillville About Installing Turf Field Following PFAS Contamination in North Smithfield


BURRILLVILLE, R.I. — After the town of North Smithfield upgraded an artificial turf field in 2021, the level of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS, in a well downgradient from the field doubled. Samplings collected by the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management “suggest that the artificial turf field … may be partly or wholly contributing to the contamination of nearby private and public drinking water supply wells,” both agencies wrote in a letter reviewed by ecoRI News.
The well described in the RIDOH/DEM letter is 150 feet downgradient from North Smithfield Junior-Senior High School’s turf field, which was first installed in 2007 and upgraded with a new turf carpet three years ago. From the most recent sampling, done in June, the agencies detected a PFAS concentration of 61 nanograms per liter (ng/L), double the level found in 2019, before the turf was replaced, and exceeding the state’s 20 ng/L drinking water standard. All of this information came from a letter written to the Burrillville Town Council as that body decides whether to move forward with an artificial turf field scheduled for installation before the new school year begins.

Some residents are fighting to stop the construction of the field for fear that it could contain PFAS and contaminate the town’s water sources. The town has faced severe PFAS contamination before — Oakland village water tested high for the chemicals in 2017, leading to a no drinking water orderFieldTurf, the company hired to install Burrillville’s field, said at a Town Council meeting earlier this year that it can’t guarantee PFAS won’t wash off its product. An expert hired by the company also noted that tests meant to mimic weathering on their field materials had positive results for PFAS, although the expert claimed it was not enough to be harmful to people. FieldTurf is also the company that installed North Smithfield’s artificial turf in 2021.
PFAS, which are also called “forever chemicals,” are found in countless products, from firefighting foam to waterproof clothing, and have been linked to a variety of health problems. “The most important of these include suppression of the body’s response to vaccines and disruption of normal liver and kidney function,” RIDOH and DEM wrote in the letter. RIDOH said it has found about 20 private wells within a quarter-mile of Burrillville’s field. “If PFAS is present in the artificial turf and results in PFAS concentrations in groundwater above 20 ng/L, the School District and/or Town may be required to complete the remedial measures noted above,” including sampling wells, installing and monitoring new wells, and providing drinking water to affected properties, according to the letter.
Roberta Lacey, a local resident and environmentalist, read parts of the letter aloud at a meeting Tuesday night of the Harrisville Fire District & Water Department’s board; the town’s field is located within the district. Lacey has been advocating against the turf installment since she found out about it and its potential connection to PFAS, going so far as to hire a lawyer. Although the fire district/water department board does not decide whether the artificial turf is installed — the final say is up to the Town Council — Lacey urged them to look into doing their own testing and hiring their own expert to investigate the potential harm the field could cause. “I believe that anyone who would knowingly, after they have all this information, do something like this, I just feel like it’s such an insult to firefighters and it’s an insult to the people of Oakland who still have, they haven’t even began to see the results of the contamination they suffered,” she said, referring both to known PFAS contact from firefighting gear and the contamination that occurred in Oakland village.

“I am still listening to all sides,” Town Council member David Houle said after the meeting was over. Houle also sits on the Harrisville Fire District & Water Department board. “I am reading all the evidence,” he added.
The Town Council is scheduled to hold a special meeting Sept. 5 to discuss the project.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Joint Letter from RIDEM/RIDOH

August 15th, 2024 
Burrillville Town Council 
105 Harrisville Main Street 
Harrisville, RI, 02830 

To the members of the Burrillville Town Council, 

Several stakeholders have brought concerns about the installation of an artificial turf football field at Burrillville High School to the Rhode Island Department of Health and Department of Environmental Management (RIDOH and RIDEM, respectively). RIDOH and RIDEM have reviewed the available scientific literature and case studies of similar fields around the country and in Rhode Island. We request that the Council review the results of our analysis and provided resources to aid their deliberation over the installation of the field. 

Potential risks to health 

Artificial turf fields contain a variety of chemicals; however, exposure to these chemicals during playtime is unlikely to increase the risk of negative health effects. Artificial turf made of crumb rubber was the subject of a series of studies from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Centers for Disease Control/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR).(1,2) These studies examined artificial turf fields for the potential to expose people to a variety of chemicals, including metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and volatile organic compounds.(1,2) They concluded that, while these chemicals are present in the turf, people likely have a negligible (meaning zero or close to zero) amount of contact with the chemicals during play.(1,2) Since the amount of contact with contaminants is low, the health risks posed by the chemicals are low during playtime. (1,2) 

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) have also been reported in artificial turf in scientific literature. (3) PFAS are used during the production of artificial turf to prevent the machines that extrude the plastic from clogging.(4,5) News reports show that artificial turf fields in Boston(6) , Philadelphia7 , and Portsmouth (NH)(8) contain PFAS. PFAS are a group of chemicals known as “forever chemicals” because they do not break down in the environment. Exposure to PFAS over a long period of time can increase the risk for negative health effects such as higher cholesterol levels, lower infant birth weights, weakened immune response, and some cancers, including kidney cancer.(9) Some types of artificial turf that are advertised as “PFAS free” have still been shown to contain PFAS when tested by independent third parties.(8,10) 

While PFAS is present in artificial turf, exposure during playtime would likely be similar to exposures to the contaminants monitored in the EPA/CDC/ATSDR report. This means that exposures to PFAS during playtime would not likely increase the risk of negative health effects. 

RIDOH and RIDEM are most concerned about the potential for PFAS from the turf field to contaminate groundwater in the area. The scientific literature has yet to produce a study conclusively linking artificial turf fields with PFAS contamination in groundwater. However, sampling data collected by both RIDOH and RIDEM at North Smithfield Junior-Senior High School suggest that the artificial turf field (first constructed in 2007 and upgraded/replaced in 2021) may be partly or wholly contributing to the contamination of nearby private and public drinking water supply wells. In this area, groundwater flows from Well #1 to the artificial turf field and then to Well #2. We call Well #1 “upgradient” and Well #2 “downgradient” based on the groundwater flow and their locations with respect to the artificial turf field. Well #1 is located approximately 1000 feet upgradient of the artificial turf field, so it should not be affected by PFAS from the field. Water from this well has consistently been at or below detection limits (i.e., 2 ng/L or less) for PFAS. Well #2 is located approximately 150 feet downgradient of the artificial turf and exceeds the Rhode Island Drinking Water Quality Standard for PFAS of 20 ng/L. In the most recent sampling (6/12/24), the concentration of PFAS in Well #2 was 61.00 ng/L, which is double the concentration detected in 2019 (30 ng/L). Drinking water is one of the major routes of exposure for PFAS, which have a variety of potential health impacts. The most important of these include suppression of the body’s response to vaccines and disruption of normal liver and kidney function. (11) 

The groundwater quality standard for the sum of regulated PFAS compounds (i.e., PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA, PFHxS, and PFHpA) is 20 ng/L for the groundwater in the Burrillville area. The Rhode Island Groundwater Quality Rules (Section 3.14(D)) identify the remedial measures that may be required of facility owners that release a pollutant which results in a violation of the groundwater quality standards. These measures include, but are not limited to, sampling of private wells, installing and monitoring additional wells, providing drinking water to properties that have had their wells impacted, and/or implementing remedial actions to restore groundwater quality. Based on RIDOH’s review, there are private wells supplying about 20 single and multifamily homes within a quarter mile of the proposed location of the artificial turf field. If PFAS is present in the artificial turf and results in PFAS concentrations in groundwater above 20 ng/L, the School District and/or Town may be required to complete the remedial measures noted above. 

Pending Ban of Artificial Turf 
Rhode Island recently passed the Consumer PFAS Ban Act of 2024 (the “Act”), which bans certain uses of PFAS in covered products by January 1, 2029. This Act defines “artificial turf” as “man-made material which simulates the appearance of live turf, organic turf, grass, sod or lawn” and bans the manufacture, sale, or distribution of artificial turn containing intentionally added PFAS on January 1, 2029. It should be noted that, since artificial turf fields require periodic maintenance (e.g., replacement of the turf), any materials necessary for future maintenance will be subject to this Act. 

 The following are more resources that the Town Council may wish to examine before installing the artificial turf field: 
Thank you for reviewing this information. Please reach out with any questions. 


Jerome Larkin, MD 
Director Department of Health

Terrence Gray, P.E. 
Director Department of Environmental Management

Monday, August 12, 2024

Blackstone River Watershed Council


Friends of the Blackstone 

Town of Burrillville Town Council 
105 Main Street 
Harrisville, RI 02830 
C/O Donald Fox, President of Burrillville Town Council 

August 12, 2024 

Dear Members of the Burrillville Town Council, 

I am writing on behalf of our organization in opposition to the "Artificial Turf Project" for the Burrillville High School Sports Field. We feel the need to express our disapproval as an organization based on artificial turf's negative impacts on the watershed and as a concerned party. As you are aware, the proximity to the Clear River is a tributary to the Branch, which further travels into the Blackstone River and its watershed. The location of the proposed project has a primary runoff location, which is the same as the former and proposed field, the Clear River. The high concentration of PFAS and other chemicals used in the production of Artificial Turf is not just detrimental to the river health, but also the possibility of polluting the public water sources, as well through inhalation for the youth and adults who may be using the space where this will be located. 

I highly recommend you look at the University Of Rhode Island Superfund Research Program called STEEP - Source, Transport, Exposure & Effects of PFAS's. This may help you and the constituents of the Town understand the dangers and the position of thinking of their children and future generations from the dangers that this consideration may have on their future. 

With Regards and in opposition. 

John Marsland 

CC: Editor Woonsocket Call, Editor Valley Breeze Burrillville Edition 

PO Box 8068, Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864 | Phone: 401.644.3215 | WWW.BLACKSTONERIVER.ORG 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Burrillville Residents Raise Concerns Over PFAS Potential in Turf Field

Burrillville Residents Raise Concerns Over PFAS Potential in Turf Field

Plans to install an artificial turf field at Burrillville High School has generated some anxiety. (Colleen Cronin/ecoRI News)

BURRILLVILLE, R.I. — Dozens of concerned residents packed into the town municipal building Wednesday night to speak out against the installment of an artificial turf field at the high school.

The residents, some of whom had to line up out the door at the July 10 Burrillville Town Council meeting, said they worry the turf may contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), group of manufactured chemicals linked to serious health issues, including several types of cancers and developmental delays in children.

The Environmental Protection Agency regulates PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” which are found in many products, from firefighting foam to water-proof clothing to artificial turf.

Roberta Lacey, a local environmentalist and member of the town’s Conservation Commission, helped rally other concerned residents after hearing that the turf field construction was underway.

Lacey recognized that she had come late to the issue — excavators have already torn up the grass field where the turf is planned — but she believes there is time to change course. She retained an attorney to fight the artificial turf, if the project moves forward.

She initially realized the turf may contain PFAS after she started looking into buying a property in Oakland village and heard about how the chemicals contaminated the water there.

Burrillville had to take the village’s drinking water source offline after high levels of PFAS, above what the EPA said was safe at the time, were found. (The federal agency has since lowered the maximum again.)

The Oakland water source was downhill from a fire station where firefighting foams containing PFAS were stored. Some residents believe that contamination made them sick.

“I kind of went down a rabbit hole with the PFAs, learning all I could,” Lacey said. “That’s when a light bulb went off, like, ‘Oh my God, it’s in artificial turf, and that’s what they’re putting at the high school.’”

FieldTurf, the company hired by Burrillville to install the field, didn’t respond to requests for comment, but company representatives attended a June Town Council meeting to respond to questions from council members and dispute that its products pose a threat to the town’s health and safety.

“We know that PFAS is a growing concern throughout the country, and as a company, we go to great lengths to test all of our materials,” Chris Hulk, director of design and construction for FieldTurf in New England, said.

When asked if FieldTurf could guarantee that water coming off the field wouldn’t contain PFAS, Hulk said “it’s hard to describe that as a guarantee.”

Elizabeth Denly, vice president and chemistry director at Connecticut-based TRC, an engineering and consulting firm, said some tests that mimicked weathering on FieldTurf products over time did have positive results for PFAS, but not in amounts that would be harmful to people or the environment.

“We saw very trace levels,” she said.

Construction is already underway. (Colleen Cronin/ecoRI News)

Lacey said any level of PFAS concerns her. She cited recently passed Rhode Island legislation to ban the manufacture and sale of dozens of products, including artificial turf, that contain intentionally added forever chemicals. She also noted EPA’s tightening PFAS restrictions.

Several other members of the public echoed these concerns. School Committee Chair Silvia St. Pierre said the committee has “major concerns” about how potential PFAS in the turf could hurt the kids who play on it, in addition to worries about how it could contaminate local water resources.

St. Pierre asked that the council look further into the costs of putting in grass over artificial turf.

“Do not use a rushed, cheap option, full of buyer’s remorse,” she said.

The Harrisville Fire District, where the high school is located and which includes the fire and water departments for the village, wrote a letter to the Town Council citing concerns over possible drinking water contamination.

“Harrisville respectfully urges the town to exercise due diligence in reviewing all precautions during the construction and use of the new synthetic field,” district chairman Brayton Round II wrote.

Other concerned residents included high school basketball coach Amy Hauser, who attended the meeting despite being sick with kidney issues.

“My question is why on earth would this field even be considered after knowing the harm it will do, not only to our athletes, but our entire community?” Hauser asked. “Is it the money? Because there is no monetary value you can put on life. Is it the timeline? Because I would rather our kids risk home-field advantage than lose their health. Is it your pride? Because I would have so much more respect for you all, if you’re willing to change your opinion after hearing the facts presented to you.”

Hauser, who struggled to walk out of the meeting room after speaking, said she felt it was especially important to come, even though she is in pain, because, although her illness wasn’t caused by PFAS, she doesn’t want anyone’s health to be impacted or for someone to feel the way she currently does.

“My first thing is always to do no harm to anybody,” said Irene Watson, a resident and retired nurse, arguing exposing people to carcinogens is harmful.

But, she added, as a taxpayer, she said she was also worried about the liability the field could be to the town.

“We want to make sure we protect the town’s people and the town’s financial stability,” Watson said.

The turf field issue wasn’t on the agenda Wednesday night and the council took no official action. Following the public hearing part of the agenda, the meeting proceeded with other business, and after it adjourned, council member Justin Batalon said, “I haven’t been yelled at by that many women since I was married.”

Council President Donald Fox told ecoRI News after the meeting was over that the town is in the process of gathering more information about the turf and potential PFAS issues.

“Right now, the town is doing and conducting its due diligence and that involves working with experts that we hired, conducting tests, and doing a whole slew of things that we feel are appropriate to protect the town and the townspeople,” Fox said. “That takes time. I am not sure that any of us are prepared to, you know, offer changes on opinions at this point. We’re still waiting to hear back from our own experts. There’s a lot of hyperbole out there.”

NRINow: The other side: Experts discuss research on turf fields at ‘Protect Burrillville’ meeting

Source: The othe...